Larping within the epistemic bubble: Lady law professors

I read Hot Air, but I generally don’t make jump off observations or post links from it to here because I’m a seeker of cosmic truth and the Zingy blog is going to be immortal like Pliny’s shit and Hot Air isn’t temperamentally reliable / trustworthy and I don’t generally want to give Hot Air immortality amirite.

I saw this b word here and there yesterday though, and saw lefty Twitter going gaga, and my reaction was what Hot Air’s would be a couple hours later when they posted this deal.

Really pleased…. TPM having an orgasm:

Ya know, Hawley may be a lot of things, but…. the jokes on you, ridiculous gender warriors. You have an artificial reality constructed that you can live in, and there’s some space for it staked out within the Democrat party, but nobody believes your mentally ill shit. It’s all ingroup canon. And such that that’s the case…. JFC what a lacking awareness, misanthropic group of people. It’s completely artificial reality construction and maintenance.

Charlie Cooke:

When I was up at Beaver U I was involved in the student newspaper and then also ever so active in the Democrat campus group. Used to see the 45 yo gal who ran campus legal around a lot, because she was friends of friends and taught a J school class and was friends with all those prof advisers who were peripheral to that stuff. She wrote an editorial we put in the student newspaper at a point. I don’t know what it was about now, and I would guess at the moment it was printed I didn’t have a knowledge base to understand it as other than benign. BUT WHAT I DO REMEMBER…. Limbaugh-ian provocation was new and having a big moment (1990-ish). Campus Republicans pulled some stunt or had something printed that called this woman and her allies a "lesbian cabal" of say feminist attorneys, up there in the woods of northern MN..

Which is kinda funny, and made a splash then. I don’t think that woman was a lesbian though.

It comes to pass by now though, whether you say it snidely or abjectly… there’s a lesbian cabal of feminist attorneys, along with what passes for "charismatic" transgender personalities, who devise and manage the canon for all this ridiculous gender shit.

More Zingy story time: At Pony high I was in debate. Gal in debate that I’d known since 7th grade, she might have ended up being valedictorian in this class of 660 or so. I don’t have hesitation about betting she was top 5. Smart woman. Big time brain, prolly 99% in any room you put her in. Ya know, what’s my comp? Well we had McDonoughs in debate at Pony High. She was like that, an intellectual equal to that sort of kid.

As lucky as she was to have the brain she has, she got screwed on looks, to choose an unfortunate idiom. Real physically unattractive. Bad face, bad bod.

Ya know, yer this person and it’s like your path is chosen for you. She’s an accomplished attorney in Minneapolis, big on Minneapolis left Twitter, and a background "in-person", kinda B team, within the larger clique of aggressive lesbian gender lawyers that start public pissing matches on national Twitter. And quite combative and nasty there that is 180 from any way I ever experienced her in person.

Probably everyone does it, and maybe that’s a cosmic point…. but there’s a lot larping going on there with that one, and it comes about "I’ve got these attributes, I’ll thrive in this ecosystem, so that’s what I’m going to be, to the Nth."

2 thoughts on “Larping within the epistemic bubble: Lady law professors

  1. Pingback: Imagine my surprise when I click through an Aaron Rupar link for a Hunter Biden story | Zingy Skyway Lunch

  2. Pingback: The weight born by class of 87 Pony High valedictorians | Zingy Skyway Lunch

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