Monthly Archives: August 2019

Laying down a marker: Cocaine Mitch will have an opportunity to be a hypocrite on the Biden rule before the 2020 election

Ginsburg has got pancreatic cancer, having had lung cancer in December.

I don’t revel in any notion she dies… I am not like these people happy that Charles Koch is dead. Far as I’m concerned she can live another 20 years and serve all of them on the court.

Lets be real though, she’s down to her last 6 months… And if she dies in 6 months it creates THE momentum thing that drives the election, the fact that Cocaine Mitch will get to confirm a SCOTUS judge before the election, having chosen not to confirm Merrick Garland before the 2016 election.

Irony is a beotch.

Laying down a marker, 8/20/19: the Dem nominee will be…

Fauxchahontas, Elizabeth Warren. Go make your bet in the futures market.

She seems buoyant out there in popularity, so this is not so much a stretch of a guess except that Biden is the institutional favorite with an ostensible polling lead.

I don’t think he gets there… he’s going to stall out, too obviously O-L-D. Kamala is becoming an irrelevancy.

So for me, I dunno… I dislike Elizabeth Warren much less than I disliked Hillary. She’s got a decent vibe although I don’t like her tonal quality. She’s pretty self made, except for, ya know, the part where she got a sinecure at Harvard by passing herself off as a Native American.

Democrat’s are in willful denial about that like they are Ilhan marrying her brother…(to appreciate the details of either is to understand exactly what went on and that its ‘true’… so lets not be familiar with the details…). Anywho, its not obvious to me this stops her from winning the whole ball of wax, the Warren-ites have moved past it.

Zingy weighs in: the bands are right and the DHS is wrong

Alternate headline: DHS is being Indian givers here with the bands…. bada bing, yowza.

But really, it was DHS’ guidance that the bands could utilize the services they utilized and bill in the manner they did. DHS was in the position of being the expert with the answers, and their guidance shaped the behavior of the Indian health services there. To say, they wouldn’t have done what they did if that wasn’t DHS’ advice…. if DHS advice was different, and the right advice, they would have went with that….

Some state GOPers there in the odd position of taking the right side…

Walz admin hasn’t looked competent yet. I wouldn’t have guessed this is the way it would be.

Why Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide…

…as seen by my ontological remote vision.

Aside from the conspiracy theories, people are talking about this like its mysterious. Its not.

The guy’s whole life was flout civil society’s rules hedonism funded by screw people & blackmail, self-justified by I’m the smartest guy in the room & you only go around once atheism. Really… Some criminals are obviously ‘not self-conscious’ sociopaths and they do what they do and cause mayham. This guy was not, he had a philosophy, see above.

So if you’re Epstein and 66 and your very good lawyers have told you your double jeopardy argument is good on the merits but no one is going to affirm it and you will spend the rest of your life in prison, you say… well, its been a nice ride and you hang yourself. Prison life pales a bit to the hedonism of having an island and a jet and a squad of teenage sex slaves. Why would he stay alive for imprisonment?

No one was bribed at MCC to grease the wheels. He tried to commit suicide before.. The relevant detail here now is they removed his cellmate on Friday (… he commits suicide on Saturday morning). The ambient malfeasance for an inmate to take advantage of is undoubtedly bottomless with the lying on the logs and sleeping on the job being the ground reality of corrections.

Other things that are meaningful observations:

*** Epstein is the real Pizza gate I thought Douthat was the one who had a sentence here who made this point explicitly but my cntl F does not show the word pizza in his column.

*** Where Epstein got his money… Well, it was all illicit right. His financial statement to the court was he had like $500m liquid at the bank, and the jet and the houses. Thinking he had more than that is probably not the right instinct, and so $500m becomes somewhat explainable. He had a piece of Leslie Wexner’s action and a piece of the Towers financial pyramid, and then there as the business of being a bag man for this and that money laundering, which was his business specialty back in the day. Just to say, the journalistic treatments can move this into the realm of the non-mysterious also.

*** When Acosta resigned the detail I keyed onto was this conversation he had with the Trumpists in 2017 when he was going to be made Labor Secretary. They asked, say, you were awful lenient on Epstein in Palm Beach, why was that? And Acosta says, I was told to back off, intelligence owns him… Ya know, the submissiveness and deference there from a United States Attorney in the interests of something ‘not justice’ are kinda astonishing. Its just one of these things that tells you, justice is never the reason decisions are made at the justice department, and it applies to everything…pick your topic, Michael Brown, Martha Stewart, James Comey….

Kamala and Warren are getting some grief over calling Mike Brown’s death a murder…

… and they are getting this grief from the center left as well as the right. Here’s the unexpected lefty critique:

The sticking point is the Obama justice department, ie Eric Holder, in most ways gave the OIS there its blessing as ‘justified’ because Mike Brown didn’t have his hands up and was perceivable as a threat yada yada. There’s some center left analysis that seems to (weirdly) want to make a stand for that and its at odds with broader progressive sentiment.

I actually side with Kamala and Warren on this one… A) they are using hyberbole, and they are not in excess there cuz B) they are saying the killing there was extra judicial such that the officer’s burden of being ‘in fear’ is so ridiculously low.

But, as a matter of tactics?…. As a campaign issue yes it may very well be picking the wrong side.

The latest guy to throw 96 at the stadium corridor speed gun…

…gets signed.

Which is good… pro ball has some obligation to check these guys out.

But the track record for these guys making it is nil. Worse than that. Guys who are physical specimens and throw the ball with speed but are not pitchers follow an almost universal pattern of not getting out of instructional ball because they cant get near the strike zone.

Twins had one a couple year ago, and they made the mistake of giving him about $250k.