Monthly Archives: May 2022

Pedantic point about student loan forgiveness

…Which I’m not terribly against. I’m rhetorically moved by this headline, for instance. I feel like the whole thing got very scammy over two generations.

But anyway, the pedantic point. On loan forgiveness as "inflation", like as explained here:

NR is wrong. It’s not going to be inflationary cuz: Biden is only going to forgive DoEd federally held student loans, and these have all been in COVID deferment since 2020. Those payment obligations were already removed from the economy. You don’t exacerbate inflation by changing their non-payment status from one to another.

Private loans never went out of repayment. My spousal unit took a private loan and a govt loan for some trade school a few years ago. We have a manageable 4 figure loan that went into automatic COVID deferment. The other same size loan, the "private" one, we never stopped paying. It might be on COVID 0% interest though, IDK… haven’t checked, it’s on auto-pay.

Those DoEd loans… the political implication for the Dems is perhaps better expressed as the blowback of those coming out of deferment and people having to pay again what with a platform plank of loan forgiveness. I kinda doubt we ever pay again on that little DoEd loan we have, that’s the kind of thing that goes away with the Biden forgiveness scheme when it happens.

Reflexively to me, the OT math on the $376k MPD sergeant seems sussy

Sussy, as the kids say.

I’ve been commenting on the LE profession here and elsewhere for more than 15 years. One of my recurring sly trope jokes / not a joke is that padding OT there within the realm is as common as testilying. Which is to say, “very common”.

Holy eff, man, cmon. You’re arning $108k as base for 40hrs a week, how do you get to $376k? Now, there’s double time and all that, but you gotta be clocking the other 16 hours of the day as well. Which would be “bullshit”. At least that shit is W2’d I guess.

Other thing is, you still got people (WWP blog) who think MPD cops should and can be paid more to attract better candidates. Pull quote “About 72% of MPD cops made six figures. “

I have no semi-auto rifles or handguns: ex 1, Cimarron P

This was not exceedingly contemplated in terms of ideology. I’ve been at times a maximalist 2A guy like many others, willing to rhetorically defend the AR space. I never have had one though. Never felt the imperative to get an AR, that must must to cement what you feel about 2A and get one and put an AR in your closet. Imperative: sixguns. It’s a thing that happened to me as a feature of individual aesthetics, where my eye went in pop culture, and my brainpower around tinkering. A) I’m 53, and it was literally a Gunsmoke thing. After school syndication on the independent channel in the latter 70’s and 80’s, before cartoons came on, was Gunsmoke. You’d sit down in front of the TV and catch the last 5 minutes of Gunsmoke and closing credits would be Matt’s Colt with fake stags in a holster on the wall. B) my dad has aptitude for rifles and pistols, and he got Shotgun News, the twice monthly wholesaler rag that’s been around forever. The cataloguers that sold replica sixguns always advertised in Shotgun News, and I was captivated by their line drawings of sixguns.

Anway, Uberti Cattleman as specced and sold by cataloguer Cimarron of Fredericksburg, TX as their “Model P”. Colt still makes the Single Action Army right… Well there’s this thing like Harley Davidson vs the Japanese that goes on with Colt and its fans, and it’s exactly the same. The Colt/America fanatics think the Single Action Army is superior to either of the two Italian sixguns (Uberti, Pietta). It ain’t. Uberti sixgun for sure is materially as good.

In its base form, Uberti sixgun is not finished off with artisan color case hardening like a Colt. This one is. Only blueprint difference between this and a Colt SAA is the cylinder width, where Uberti is bigger by .020, and then some different screw thread pitches here and there.

As a very tangential Uvalde shooting aside….

I’ve been moved to observe (internally) about 12 times in the last year: Kyrsten Sinema really fooled the Az Democrat party membership and apparatus into believing she was a Dem when they were looking for a nominee for that Senate contest.

She’s not a Dem. Also instructive there, her opposition to Build Back Better etc.

And there’s a different story there as a blue dog than what might be Joe Manchin’s, I’ll say. She’s more fraudulent. And yet she succeeded with a fairly obvious deception because of a claim, absent great evidence, that she was a Green party type enviro and a bi-sexual. If that’s true then Dem’s can assume she’d be aligned on all the other stuff right?

Amazing. And ya know why they fell for it? Because she’s great looking. They wanted to believe Sinema was the great looking greenie granola, the great looking cool bisexual girl. And Sinema was the stripper there and the Az Dems were the drunky at the bar believing she was interested in them, to get more idiomatic.

I like her politics but she’s a bizarre, outlier political figure.

The qualitative analysis of Hillary having auth’d the Alfa Bank thing

Lemme tellya, I do not like Hillary. And yet I doubt she “authorized” the Alfa Bank server smear as if it was a treacherous political “ops” of some kind.

So I’m in some temperamental agreement that this is not dispositive of what Republicans think it is. Kinda as expressed here.

Mistake in the Bulwark article, by the way. The article claims the validity of the server data is ‘inconclusive’. Uh noooo…. most observers now seem to rightfully understand the server data as ‘contrived’. And I accept the possibility it’s contrived as a function of confirmation bias.

So you got these guys, Sussman and his associates, and they can make an analysis of the server data that says it’s communicating to Russia, and they take it to Mook and Hillary and Jake Sullivan and the other gal who has a big name (I can’t remember her name). So, Sussman is composing that as a work product, as op research, cuz that’s his job. He takes it to the group… they approve it, say run with that, give it to the papers, post it on Twitter. Qualitatively this isn’t a political ops that they are approving, not really. What it is, is a proverbial shit post. They are approving a shit post, for all intents and purposes except for Sussman’s contact with the FBI. They are saying run with this shitpot, they are not saying run with this black bag ops as if they think it’s that type of  consequential. It’s casual and yeah sure because it’s a ‘shit post’.

The trial is ostensibly merely about Sussman lying to the FBI though. I’d bet yes on the potentiality of a campaign lawyer casually lying to the FBI such that he thought he was “whistleblowing” and wasn’t making a conventional statement. This is a statute that has a rep of being used injudiciously. But tough titties there, Hillary campaign lawyer guy. Could have been avoided by cosmic contemplation of your work.

That Carnahan is a piece of work part bazillion

No duh. But I do got a minor thing for the purposes of screening what political people say for ‘BS’

I don’t think an estate goes to probate when there’s a surviving spouse. Doesn’t sound right… all the stuff just goes to the spouse. So, she’s saying she’s got no assets to pay the family back with (like she promised) cuz she’s taken control of no assets, it’s all got to go through probate first. Doesn’t strike me as the reality of spousal inheritance, but I don’t know. If it is a lie it’s one that can be called out right away by estate planning people.

I wouldn’t guess a policy death benefit has to go through probate if there’s an individual beneficiary that’s the spouse….

I don’t know that you go to Envita after you’ve been to Mayo on a Congressional health plan and they tell you there’s nothing to do for your kidney cancer. I get it though, I grasp the emotions at play.

In which I figure out polishing for refinish after 10 years

Suns out guns out, guns out to work on my stack of broken closet classics and relics picked up cheap.

I probably have rebuilt 20 vintage-y, niche-y sixguns since 2012. It’s pro-am, for myself. It’s not regular commerce such that I spin one off after I’m done. It’s just sixguns and only sixguns, cuz that’s a feature of my fixated mind. My strengths have been mechanicals, grip rendering, and grip fitting. I can take a threaded barrel on and off and fit tolerance parts and mill a receiver for sights and build a sixgun revolver action. I can get any make of part to work in a project gun in the Colt / Uberti / Pietta / GW / ASM / Jager realm.

I farm out blue, nickel, and case hardening. You gotta prep them though, and my polishing has been bubba-ish.

A) I don’t have pro fixtures for polishing. I have a 3600 rpm bench grinder with a yellow hard stitched wheel and a white rag wheel. Been using white and black polish compounds for steel along with tripoli. A buffer motor with long spindle thingys would be better, and they are cheap, and golly we have a Harbor Freight in Stillwater now, but I don’t want to pull my current polishing apparatus off its mount off the wall and have to store it somewhere.

B) The internet doesn’t really give you insight on restoration polishing for firearms… the best insight from people in the trades hasn’t been committed to the web.

I did a breakthrough job on this Armi San Marco. It will take a refinish and a discerning eye will notice much less bubba working it on the garage polisher. Here’s the things:

1) You gotta start by blocking out ie flat sanding your surfaces with 400 or higher grit wet sandpaper.
2) You gotta have reasonably new wheels on your polisher. They can’t have a lot of remnant shit in them.
3) Lean on white compound more so than black compound. Black compound has some bigger media in it, will leave swirls.

This sixgun is a 1996 Armi San Marco (Italian mfg), and it was a feature of EMF’s import catalog back then. Their .22 version of it is a niche, low run, not sought after thing, and I buy them whenever I can. I like them better when they’ve been wrecked as say truck guns. I fit a 50’s era Christy cylinder to it and a primo steel strap set, along with black Colt grips.

Thomas Lane takes a bite of his shit sandwich

Agrees to a manslaughter conviction with meaningful prison sentence.

My observation of the cosmic reality there, is him and Keung were not derelict / malevolent actors in Floyd’s death. Or perhaps say exceedingly derelict / malevolent actors in Floyd’s death. The shit show that starts the butterfly effect hurricane there is Chauvin, and only Chauvin.

But ya know, play stupid games win stupid prizes!