Monthly Archives: May 2023


I got to go and have a chat with my 95 yo great aunt today at a nursing home in Hudson. She was the youngest in that family, my grandfather was the oldest by ten years. He died a long time ago, but the superager gene may nonetheless be present in that line. Her mom was alive well, well into my life, died in 96 at 98.

Auntie was pretty darn lucid and kind of wry! Though I take sometimes she is not. You age a lot in your 90’s even as a superager I’m sure (or, not “I’m sure”, but “duh”).

There was an agenda. Foremost among a few things:

1. Wanted to know if the guy my mother picked out in the 1924 car shops photo among the 200 or so dudes was great grandpa. “yes, that’s dad” Auntie said. Truly BFD to have identified which person is yours in a 100 yo artifact like that.

2. Wanted to know if Grandma Marx was illegitimate, as my review of the docs on Ancestry suggested. “yes, that’s what we always heard”. Upshot, you don’t have a paternal branch there to navigate at that birth before 1878 …unless you want to do a review of your DNA matches vs the Aurora IL township census sheet for 1880…needle in haystack. BUT DOABLE, if Henry Louis Gates’ show is any indicator for potential success.

3. Question I asked was, “how did your parents meet?” This would have been 1915 probably. She said, “oh I’m sure it was through the Muckenhirn’s, their friends…”

Bullseye. See, I had gone to the Hudson history library last fall and spotted that relationship as extremely consequential, having found the late 20’s shop blacksmith seniority list in a stack and read it for like ten seconds. It had hit me like I had a remote review on the past, like I was a psychic seer. Twas like, I knew instantly that’s why great grandpa moved back to N Hudson from a half a world away, that’s how that happened.

So you’re sitting there with Auntie and you ask her the question and she gives you this linchpin answer that you didn’t really expect at that moment but you knew was the linchpin answer because you did all the work, you feel like you’re Alex Haley sitting with the griot there on the Gambia River in 1969 or whatever and the griot says, “and then this next guy was Kunta Kinte…”


Ha. I mean, I ain’t Alex Haley (and ahem there are doubts Haley had that conversation in the way he said…) but that’s the power of that vibe, what that vibe is in composition.

MattY: fellow proglibs, we actually have misinfo on our side

Spit take and eye roll here.

I do whatevs, 10 posts a week here, and one could think that represents some sort of compulsive axe grinding that is at least somewhat partisan. It’s actually just the breezy stuff that I can get out as a matter of composition with the time I can spend in the blog timebox. And it really isn’t partisan, certainly not ‘root for the team’ partisan. It’s rooted in observations of reality. Not "my reality", but "reality".

A reality I can discern is that proglibs and their institutions perpetuate mass delusions (or worse) all the time, and they don’t get called "misinformation" because good intentions and truth are assumed to flow from the proglibs magma core of communitarianism. And that’s good right… communitarianism = good, so anything they say has to be good.

Well that’s bullshit. As a matter of reality, it’s bullshit. You can’t assume the proglibs are more truthful because they are less cynical (about human nature?) and more communitarian. Proglibs lie all the time in furtherance of their movements.

So, global warming, MattY’s example…. yeah there’s a lot of lies in that. Reality, bitches.

In the contemporary era of the last ten years, I think it’s come to be that the easy tell on a proglib lie is when they warn you against misinformation. And thus the misinformation is actually when they say what you observe is misinformation. Irony! AGW, the Biden’s, the Russia hoax (I DIDN’T VOTE FOR TRUMP), great parts of COVID. The proglib guidance is misinformation.

I don’t feel like the seminal work on that has actually been done even with the Taibbi’s of the world having prominence, and such that it wouldn’t actually run aground on the rocks of proglib conventional wisdom there as well and be called ‘misinformation’.

Re MattY’s framing, yeah I get that, he’s hard truthing his tribe. It would be a different headline if he were writing that to cons.

Ya do gotta give it to the DFL

Or a couple people in it.

Ya know, crabby, cranky. reactionary me… Well, a reality is I root for people engaged in big good things whether I agree with them entirely or not. And I like my genX broads 66-71.

I like this tweet.

There’s this analysis now that says the DFL or a person or persons in it had a piece of insight this time around that was different from recent years, and that was, just pass our agenda. Don’t go into some circular, game theory, contrarian analysis on it. Just pass it. I’d say that strategy actually represents a higher quality of intelligence than all the old deal making.

Hortman is Fridley Tiger there ’88. Fridley isn’t one of the burgs in the Twin Cities second tier burbs that I’d rightfully call an armpit, but… GDit I feel like is close to really being an armpit. Such that she goes to BU I gotta think her story of family ascendence prolly has her folks working at Medtronic.

Guv and DFL: the peoples’ champion, to a point

HT Lambo’s blurb in Minnpost. Boy the guv and the DFL rilly like their exclusion carve outs. There was the nursing bill right, which didn’t happen because Gov. Walz wanted a Mayo carve out.

Right to repair righto, people who fix shit feel strongly about that. You see stories about this come out of both the PIRG and Reason journo ecosystem. Somewhat cross spectrum on ideology.

Apple is always a top of mind example because of phones, thing being everyone has one a phone, and Apple has a rep for abusing their position there. But every time I read a right to repair story there is a Deere mention as malefactor because those things cost as much as a starter home and they have the farmers by the short hairs on that. So IE, that’s why you make the law such that you do, because Deere is an abuser of this, it’s a source of the passion for ‘right to repair’.

Well alrighty then, Deere gets a Walz / DFL carve out. PP 1 “But the rules don’t apply to some notable categories, including farm equipment, game consoles, medical devices, and motor vehicles.”

Related: Gov. Walz is being very evasive about whether he’s going to sign the rate floor bill for Uber and Lyft. He’s being more evasive than the desription in this story lets on Which means, he’s not going to sign it. Which is effing hilarious, such that the passage of the statutory code there was a meaningful bullet point in the DFL’s platform triumph this session, and a meaningful victory for the DFL immigrant caucus.

So ya know, peoples’ champion to a point. The point at which, if there’s a business whose campaign support has a certain amount of mass, the DFL defers to them, and not the people.

The red state hillbillies have cowed Target

Such that they object to Target retailing a trans clothing line made by a Satanist trans “clothing company / advocacy group”.

And…. that’s not a joke line, it’s not hyperbole. Target retails a trans clothing line made by a Satanist trans clothing company / advocacy group. Cuz inclusion. Cuz, whatever.

Couple few things:

I’ve had occasion to write here in defense of accomodation and policy making etc that caters to normies, address normie problems. Worth saying, or I feel self conscious to say, ya know I wasn’t the captain of the football team who married the head cheerleader. Twas far, far from that, as a matter of temperament and class. A great bit of my life has been being a bit of a flake or avant garde guy learning to interact with normies. In life I’ve socialized with people and been part of cliques that had very subversive, wry senses of humor. And whatever religiosity I have doesn’t make for all that much real prudish-ness.

I suppose the wiccan / pagan cosplay that gets mixed into the LGBTQ & abortion politicking is supposed to be ultimately understood as a troll and gamesmanship, right… Let’s troll the religious righty prudes yo.

But then there’s yes, an actual Satanism thing going on…. …. being woven into LGBTQ & abortion politicking. Also ostensible as a troll, ya know, to set an exclamation point on putting sweaty homosexual sex in the face of the religious prudes. Doing that has been an artifact of “pride” for along time…

Well I tellya, cept for the fact I’m a person who doesn’t actually think mysticism is ‘real’, I’m having a hard time right now separating the Satanism trolling of the LGBTQers / abortionists from some kind of real Satanism. Ya know, what with the thing of Satanic imagery now being done in support of minor gender change surgery and 3rd trimester abortion.

So, Satanism? The LGBTQ Satanism of 2023? People with unexotic trad religious values are not out of line such that they’d go WTF is this here with Target.

It could be true that Target has had evangelical belt threats over this. It could also be true they are trying to make a retreat from selling tuck swim suits, and this is the lie they do it with such that the trans people go ape shit when they make said retreat. IE, they are trying to do a different retreat than Bud Light did.

My sensibility for Target is they shouldn’t sell tuck swimsuits for transgender men such that there’s a hot political nexus there and you’d sell 2 of those swim suits per store, per season. Let someone cater to that ‘crowd’ for that product on Etsy. JFC is this simple, Target merch buyer. A concretely based pr / retail principle here is, you don’t have to accommodate these people, and as ‘Target’ you can choose not to as a matter of scope. And that matter of scope will manage a lot for your business, there will be a lot of problems you never have as a matter of scope.

This is Tim Walz getting involved in legislation

And fucking things up.

This story doesn’t say this, cuz the Strib fluffs Tim Walz, but it’s widely reported elsewhere that this bill was getting close to passage in the chambers and he then demanded a carve out for Mayo such that Mayo was swinging its balls around about that.

So Gov. Walz wakes from his nap and demands a carve out, and it’s such a ridiculous, unfair ask that the entire framework has to be pulled from the bill because now everyone wants a carve out. Mayo was fine with the bill being tanked I’m sure but I rather doubt that Tim Walz was in fact trying to tank the bill. So…

He’s a bit absent, has no legislative vision, is completely subordinate to Erin Murphy etc in the leg. Good for her etc, far as it goes. Very interesting to understand this has been DFL genX broads running the show in the leg.

I’ve analyzed Walz for his political skills before right. He’s an extremely formidable candidate. Never lost, in fact. Won his red cong district years ago when he had no business winning that one. Got the goob nomination when he wasn’t necessarily the intuitive choice.

He’s barely paying attention and doing a lot of [Charlie Sheen voice] “WINNING” here in session with the DFL mnleg doing all the work.

Related aside: he got completely cowed by the DFL mnleg on his rebate when he obviously could have made an ask for that. He’s in no position now to realistically claim he was overruled by DFL leadership (… such that he would have to address it in a future campaign. And he may never have to address it).

I think this is a bad idea

Healthcare for illegal immigrants.

I’d guess whatever they think it will cost, it will actually cost 4 times that amount.

Yeah right….

“Minnesota lawmakers say they, too, had to overcome opposition: from Gov. Tim Walz.”

The governor doesn’t a political map of where to go and not go in his head… that’s not what he’s about. He’ll say yes to anything the caucus wants.

This is going to be a non mechanized, non fertilized farm right

To achieve the Pol Pot aesthetic desired by the city’s left…

I’ve been seeing "Roof Depot" on the Twitter for some weeks and had no idea what the kernel of this thing is. Ah well… there’s a granola left faction in Minneapolis who want to have an ‘urban’ farm. Ya know, for organic and "BIPOC" and other socially good reasons.

The Hmongs in St. Paul getting on to 3 generations removed from their arrival here to this day go out into the exurbs and lease small parcels to plant (mostly) by hand. But I suppose the concern in MPLS is about the un-auto’d or those not wanting to use a car being able to get to a place to plant and tend some crops. So they want an "urban" farm.

See I got no idea really (to say speaking from uninformedness) but I think this is a thing really driven by the sensibilities of white granolas in Minneapolis. And I’m dubious about the sensibilities there yo, in furthering of activity in Mpls that’s not remunerative. But IDK, I suppose it would be at least an improvement for that spot in "East Phillips", which always looks kind of dusty and littered.

Twas driving down a street in Minneapolis some weeks ago with some young men in the car, and the commentary was that this part of town was a hair brutalist industrial but tidy enough and prosperous in perhaps a North Hollywood way, and that street was… Broadway in NE Minneapolis. Old school industrial park within the limits of a large city.

On farms, tangentially…

Like many 5th / 6th gen American’s in these parts, my peeps mostly came to farm. Last of those peeps lost the farms in the 30’s. Took the back way to Rochester yesterday for a ball game and you see the farms in that part of the state and you’re like… holy fuck are these people lucky to have held on to those farms. Just… bucolic… bitches.

Here’s a Scout that was for sale road side at one. I haven’t seen a road side Scout for sale in 20 years.Truck had good tabs and runs, sheesh. Fella is asking $2500 for this one, and the body is not salvageable. So I think that’s a stretch, but its not a huge stretch given where money is now and given how scarce something like a Scout is now.

This guy bullshits on a Barack Obama level

Mind all, my level of antipathy isn’t crazed. I’ve voted for him and have a "gun guy but non-hysterical" view of the new gun statutes. Just saying… gd-it this guy bullshits. That’s a true statement.

Minor, minor new gun regs. I sense a pretty huge rhetorical error to claim this much victory over what was got when yer going to be fighting this battle again.

The foundational context of this phenomena though… the level of abstraction in Democrat talking points is a tribal language and a viable graduate thesis topic and some kind of speaking in tongues thing that you can only understand if you’re like ‘small p’ pentecostal as a Democrat. Saving us from "weapons of war in churches, schools" yada yada because of a tweak to the purchase permit… It’s bullshit.