This is my shocked face Derek Chauvin didn’t report $400k over 6 years in side hustle money

I have thots, as one might imagine. Tax docs tell a very complete story, about anyone

*** Observations of the blog here over many years is:

A. That life in the major metro suburbs is kind of expensive, and that the straight W2 jobs of a 30’s – 40’s professionals don’t pay enough to keep up with it…. no matter almost what that job might be (but say excluding the very, very well paid). So well organized side hustles among suburbanites are ubiquitous, more than one might think given the superficial appearance of suburban affluence.

B. Non reporting on this income and a few other like categories is the rule. Non reporting, ie “evasion” is ambient, and reporting when one hasn’t been 1099’d is really rare. And then there’s the other worlds of restaurant servers and their tips and cash pay, all that jazz…. Ambient, as I say. No one feels a moral obligation about tax payments. This is society wide.

*** When the George Floyd movie comes out someday, the screenwriter will have constructed some scenes that paint the irony of Derek Chauvin defrauding the public of $30k in state tax payments while killing George Floyd over $20. And the screenwriter will be right to do it.

*** I’d have been inclined to read the deets and give Chauvin a pass from categorization as an amoral asshole on taxes, cuz…. like I say, side hustle evasion is ambient…. were it not for the BMW and the Florida registration of the said beemer. The level of effort and construction there to pull off that tax dodge is extra-ordinary, which points to the guy being an amoral solipsist prick.

*** As a matter of thought process, you want to start from a position where you don’t assume cops are more amoral on taxes and side money than anyone else. But my experience is the reality conforms quite a bit to Shawshank Redemption where Andy has them eating from the palm of his hand when he talks about setting up trusts to dodge taxes, etc… Avocationally guys that do these cop jobs are very interested in skirting tax obligations and getting freebies.

*** Pg 6 of the complaint there, Kellie Chauvin telling the revenue people they registered the car in FL because it’s cheaper is a Homer Simpson – Behind the Laughter episode “I thought the cop was a prostitute” admission.

*** ya know, the early June Friday night MPLS was burning down Kellie Chauvin made a statement to like Esme Murphy that she was divorcing Derek. I figured then, that might be not out of guile and asset protection, that she knew she had to walk away. Pg 6 there on the complaint, on June 26th they are still having prison phone calls about trying to manage their situation there, together.

*** This deal where Kelli and Derek were going to “Florida rental property and AirBnB” their way to striver affluence over several years has a way of looking gauche and pathetic in an infomercial way. She made $94k as a realtor though in 2017. One wonders why she quit that. Maybe it’s cuz ya know… these people don’t have great judgment.

*** He only W2’d $72k from MPD last year. I would have thought his base was $85K or so. He still made a hundo, as I contend (with the side hustle $). But the middling base pay might be because after 20 years he’s still doing patrol without leadership responsibilities, this cuz, apparently, he’s a misanthrope who cant advance (see NYT story from yesterday).

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